tirsdag, maj 7, 2024
ForsideReviewsReview: MSI Wind U160

Review: MSI Wind U160

Trustedreviews.com har anmeldt MSI Wind U160, den længe ventede overhaling til Wind-serien.

Trustedreviews.com skriver bl.a.:
Just like Asus’ competing Eee PC or Samsung’s N-series netbooks, MSI’s Wind range can be relied upon to receive regular refreshes. After a while, one netbook can start to feel much like the next, but to be fair, newer models usually offer some kind of improvement: whether it’s better battery life, a more recent OS or slightly faster processor. However, with its new Wind U160, MSI is bringing some more fundamental changes compared to the U115 we looked at last year, including a rather dramatic design overhaul. Let’s find out how it holds up.

Læs hele anmeldelsen af MSI Wind U160
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Kilde: Trustedreviews.com

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Noel Christensen
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